Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Putting of Life Dominating Sins

I did it! I finished a book :)

I read it all in one night...it was pretty short. The book is by Susan Heck. It was majorly convicting. Let's just say that as Christians we need to be actively killing our sin. To live with sin goes against the character of a Christian. How seriously do you take your sin? Are you content to just let it be in your life? These are not the qualities of a repentant Christian. My favorite quote of the whole book is:

"The sins we continually commit and refuse to put off cause us to quench God's Spirit in our life and hinder our growth. They are displeasing to God. It is just like a child who continually disobeys his parents without changing; it is grievous!" ~Susan Heck, Putting off Life Dominating Sins

I would HIGHLY recommend this book to anyone! In fact, I have 2 extra copies! If you would like one message me and I'll be happy to get it to you! Now off to finish another book....The Excellent Wife!