Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Sunday

I'm going to try to describe to you how amazing my Easter was! We started out the day going to church. I got to hold beautiful babies (like every Sunday) who were amazingly well behaved and were talking a lot! In fact, little Sophie didn't even want me to leave...and that's a first since I've been in there for the last 6 months. Anyway, back to my post. Then we went to the service where we had amazing worship...including one of my favorite hymns "In Christ Alone." Followed by a beautiful duet by a husband/wife.

Then, the preaching! Wow! Let's just say if you didn't believe in the bodily resurrection of Christ...after hearing that, I don't know how you couldn't! It's very rare for our pastor to actually interrupt the book of the bible he's currently preaching through to preach on a topic. It was a rare treat! I'm amazed at how he can preach for so long, so bold, and with so much conviction....obviously by the power of the Holy Spirit. I'll be honest, I've learned more over the last 2 years at Cornerstone about the bible than my whole life. He preaches verse by verse through different books of the bible and a Sunday sermon leaves on exhausted from flipping through so many different passages!

Okay, back to my post...sorry! Anyway so then we went to the park for some food, fellow ship and most importantly baptisms! The food was great...pot luck :) The fellow ship was super as usual. However, the most amazing part was the baptisms! This is the only church I've known to do baptisms in the lake and with each person sharing their testimony before getting baptized! It's gotta be the coolest thing God has allowed us to be a part of! Our pastor preaches for about 30 minutes and then each of the people getting baptized comes up one at a time to share how God saved them. I was in tears a majority of the time to hear what wickedness these people, my church family, used to live in and how God graciously pulled them out to save them! Some of them I've known for years and never knew exactly how much God had done for them! I can't even fully describe how awesome it was to hear everything, but I wish I could! I'll just say it was a little glimpse of heaven...knowing I'll be spending eternity with these people. This went on for a total of 3 hours and 15 minutes and 18 people were baptized. What a great way to celebrate the resurrection of Christ as a means to save His people!

Through that day I finally decided it's time for me to be baptized! I have been baptized 2 times in my life. The first as a child, and the second just so I could join a church. Getting baptized now would mean giving a public declaration of God's work in my life and taking that step to publicly commit my life to Christ. Josh and I will be baptized together. This won't be for many months, though, as we only do lake baptisms two times a year. When it happens, though, I'll post pictures!

Well, that's my best effort at explaining the amazing Easter we had. I hope yours was equally amazing!