Sunday, April 12, 2009


It's going to take me a few days to put into words the amazing Easter I had today! It's probably the best one I've ever had! We spent the day at church and then to the park with our church family for food, fellowship, and 18 baptisms in the lake! It was a day I'm not soon to forget as God was glorified in every way through so many people! I want to explain more to you later, but I just can't find the words right now! All I can say is AMAZING!!!! I hope you all had a blessed Easter celebrating the bodily resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Without the resurrection we'd all be hopeless in our sins with no hope of salvation! Praise be to Jesus who offered Himself on the cross, bore the wrath of God, for our sakes that if we repent and believe the gospel we shall be saved from an eternity of torment! Amen!